Amiga Games 1996 July
Amiga Games 1996 #7.iso
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* `DarkSound' V 2.2 *
* An OriginalWare release by *
* Troglobyte/Darkness © 1995 *
1. Introduction
2. Instructions
3. ToolTypes
4. Errors and solutions
5. History
6. OriginalWare?
7. Thanks
8. Credits
9. Also available
10. Bugs
1. Introduction
Are you tired of hearing the same sound alert each time the Amiga warns
DarkSound is the answer to your prayers! It will randomly choose a sample
each time you boot your machine.Now, your errors won't sound the same.#8>)
DarkSound will play a random Start sample anytime you load it and will
select another random Alert sample to be used as the system sound Alert.
DarkSound is very easy to install, and once installed you can't live
without it, and with the correct sample you can always surprise others
Amiga and PC users, you even can surprise yourself.
2. Instructions
To install DarkSound just drag his icon to the `DH0:WBStartup' drawer, or
copy the `DarkSound' and `DarkSound.info' to you `SYS:WBStartup' drawer.
Then configure the ToolTypes of the icon (for more info look at Section 3
of this instructions: 3. ToolTypes)
DarkSound (optionally) will play another sample each time you run it; and
as DarkSound must be installed in your `WBStartup' drawer, this sample will
play anytime you init your WorkBench, you can use this sample to warn you
that your Workbench finished loading and your Amiga is ready to be enjoyed.
After this DarkSound will select another random Alert sample to be used as
the system sound Alert and then will exit. Both samples are selected from
different sound lists that you must define in the DarkSound icon ToolTypes.
I recommend to use longer sounds as Start samples and shorter sounds as
Alert samples, but you can use whatever you want.
The sound samples provided are only for test, use your own favourite
You can use the `DH0:Prefs/Sound' preferences editor, to select the volume
of the samples and if you want a screen flash together with the System
Alert sample.
When DarkSound is executed it change your sound prefs and exit, so
DarkSound don't waste nothing of your precious CPU time and memory.
DarkSound only edit your RAM: configuration (RAM:ENV/Sys/Sound.Prefs), so
DarkSound never WRITE nothing to your Hard Disk.
All this is more simple than it sounds #8>) so just check it.
3. ToolTypes
Now you can/must configure DarkSound with the icon ToolTypes.
To edit configuration, click once the DarkSound icon and press right mouse
button to select in the Workbench menu `Icons' the `Information' option,
you can select it pressing at the same time the right `Amiga' key and the
`I' key.Then a window will appear to easily write your own configuration.
There are 2 ToolTypes to select the Start sample :
ToolType 1 : Start_Name=dh0:Sounds/Sample00.Iff
With this you select the path and name of the Start sample you want to
play. Remember that all the samples must have the same name, and a `00'
string anywhere in the name of the sample, but the Sample00 isn't used.
Examples :
dh1:Sounds/Sound00 - OK
SYS:Sample.00.IFF - OK
DH0:Sound13 - Bad : the number must be 00 (Sound00, OK)
dh1:Sound000 - Bad : the number must be 2 digit only (Sound00)
ToolType 2 : Start_Number=03
This is the number of samples. If the number is `00' the Start Sample is
Example :
With this ToolTypes,
START_NAME =dh0:Sounds/Sample00.Iff
you must have the samples :
There are other 2 ToolTypes to select the System Alert sample, this
ToolTypes are used like the previous 2 ToolTypes, you can use the same
samples or other samples.
ToolType 3 : Alert_Name =dh0:Sounds/Alert00.Iff
ToolType 4 : Alert_Number=07
The other ToolTypes are standard Workbench ToolTypes, and usually you don't
need to change them; if you don't know what they do, don't touch them.
ToolType 5 : StartPriority=0
This ToolType is used to select in which order WBStartup programs are
loaded, if you use the Start sample I recomend to load DarkSound the last.
ToolType 6 : DoNotWait
This ToolType tell the system Do Not Wait to this program to finish, so the
system continue loading other programs while executing DarkSound.
4. Errors and solutions
If `DarkSound' found any error will open a window with the problem, it will
help you to check out and correct your problems.
WorkBench 2.1 or later required by DarkSound to work (if you have KickStart
1.x consider DarkSound another good reason to upgrade your Amiga).
DarkSound must be copied in the `SYS:WbStartup' drawer, you must copy the
program `DarkSound' and the icon `DarkSound.info' with this names, if you
rename this files, the program won't work.
The file `RAM:ENV/Sys/Sound.Prefs' is required, if you don't have it, use
the `SYS:Prefs/Sound' program to create it and select your preferences.
Remember that your old `sound.prefs' sample selections are overwritten by
DarkSound in RAM: but are still in your hard disk, so if one day you
decide to stop using DarkSound, your original preferences will be
automatically used again.
If you get the system error `Sound.Prefs is a BAD Prefs File', then one
of your sounds isn't a standard IFF sample, check them with a sound program.
There can be only 100 samples, but this must not be a problem (I think).
If you have any other problem or doubt, contact me (address is at the end)
5. History
Version 1.1 ( 8-Apr-94) :
- First released version.
Version 1.2 (20-May-94) :
- Play the LAST sound in the list when run it to alert you that your
WorkBench is loaded, (you can use a long sample like `Commodore is
dead but your Amiga is still the best computer and is ready to be
used' and use smaller samples as alerts) and choose another sample
randomly for the WB Sound Alert.
- Improved Docs.
- MagicWB Icon added.
- More Samples included (but not good enough yet).
Version 1.3 (20-Sep-94) :
- If you use it from CLI will display errors.
- Code optimized for future versions.
- FIDO address added :-)
Version 2.0 (10-Nov-94) :
- Major update.
- Different sound lists for Start and Alert samples.
- Added ToolTypes for configuration.
- Docs in AmigaGuide format.
- Spanish docs added.
Version 2.1 (25-Nov-94) :
- Open a window with the errors found.
Version 2.2 ( 6-Jan-95) :
- Search for the icon in the current dir (not only in the "WBStartup" dir)
- Better random sample selector routine
- Minor Bugs fixed
6. OriginalWare ?
This utility is OriginalWare.That means if you like this program you must
buy an original Amiga program or game or send the money to the author of
any ShareWare program or game you are using often.
There are lots of great Amiga software like `DiskMaster', `Remind',
`MultiCX', `Goal' and a lot more that you won't never regret to spend your
If you do this you support the Amiga, and if you support AMIGA you support
Support OriginalWare software and you will get more and better software.
DarkSound could be included in any PD compilation, except some samples that
could have different copyrights.
Fred Fish and Aminet collections are specifically allowed to use it.
To Magazines :
You can give away this utility on your coverdisk, but please send me a copy
of the magazine.
7. Thanks to:
Amiga Vice for the idea and the ßeta testing.
Hipnooxis for ALL the help and show me to use and respect the Amiga O.S.
Binary for the help with the first docs and much more things.
Knackosoft/TRSI for being my best `invisible' friend.
Alberto Sanchez and David Santamaria for some help in this project.
Everybody responsible of the nice samples.
To all the Amiga developers for all the new, fun and useful stuff.
To all the Amiga users worldwide for their trust in the Amiga.
To Amiga Technologies for continue the development of the Amiga.
To you for read this and for use DarkSound (because you use it...or not?)
To the Amiga...
8. Credits
All code © 1996 by Troglobyte/Darkness.
Send us money ($), JOB offers, BUGS, comments, improvements, ideas, advices,
suggestions, mags, complains, and nice PD stuff (like Demos, Games or
M. Martin Vivaldi
Av. America 60
Madrid 28028
Or NetMail me at :
Internet : bitabit@servicom.es
FidoNet : 2:341/28.55 Manuel Martin
AmigaNet : 39:192/1.29 Manuel Martin
Only Amiga make it possible... Only Amiga make it fun.
9. Also available...
Others quality Amiga PD products available from me :
Aminet recent uploads :
DKSnd21.lha v2.1 util/boot 52K Changes Workbench Sounds at each boot.
Progress.lha v1.0 demo/intro 73K In Progress/Darkness.1st at Euskal Party
Vector13.lha v1.3 dev/misc 15K Draw and edit 2D vectors for demos/games
TheRace5.lha v1.5 game/2play 59K Great 100m Running game, 0-4 players.
Available soon:
HTMLess.lha v1.0 text/misc Converts HTML files in text files.
DarkSound.lha v2.2 util/boot 55K Changes Workbench Sounds at each boot.
MagiCA64.lha v1.1 misc/emu 6K Converts A64/64 files to MagiC64 format.
ELF.lha v1.0 text/misc Erase Line Feeds.Use for Word Procesors.
FormaText.lha v1.0 text/misc Format texts to your chosen columns size
All them are 100% written in pure assembler for speed and are very system
friendly in all types of Amiga computers (or that is what I hope *8).
10. Bugs
There isnt any KNOWN bugs at the moment in all the Amigas tested but...
If you find any bug or problem, contact me at the previous address.Please,
send me a detailed report of the problem and of your Amiga computer if
possible; thanks.
If you found the problem with a particular file, send me too a copy of
the file.
Don't forget to tell me the current version of my program you are using.